Your last day - what you need to do
If it's your last day there will certainly be mixed emotions, you maybe happy or even sad. Nevertheless we have created some tips for you to get it right.
Also check out the leavers handbook attached.
1) Keys
If you are holding keys for a site, you must make sure these are returned to us or you arrange for them to be collected. We need these signed back to us. If you hold on to the key and they are not returned within 48 hours you will be charged for the locks to be changed. its important that they are handed over promptly
2) Uniform
Make sure that any uniform is clean and ready to be collected/returned. We understand that there is wear and tear.
3) Exit Interview
We are always sad to see a member of the team move on, and would like the opportunity to say goodbye and get your valuable feedback. An exit interview allows you the chance to make sure everything is in order, and voice any thoughts or feelings to us, so we can continue to grow and improve.
If you can fill one out using this form Exit interview
If you have any questions about your last day get in touch!
By phone: 02393 600003
By email: [email protected]