Fire on site?

This guide outlines the necessary steps employees must take if a fire occurs, whether they are on-site or off-site. Ensuring safety is our top priority.

1. If You Are On-Site During a Fire

Immediate Actions

  1. Raise the Alarm:

    • Activate the nearest fire alarm to alert others.

    • If safe, call 999 and provide details about the fire (location, severity, and any known hazards).

  2. Evacuate the Building:

    • Leave the building immediately via the nearest safe exit.

    • Do not stop to collect personal belongings.

    • Close doors behind you to help contain the fire.

  3. Follow the Fire Evacuation Plan:

    • Proceed to the designated assembly point.

    • Assist others if they need help, but only if it does not endanger your safety.

Do Not:

  • Use elevators.

  • Re-enter the building until it is declared safe by emergency services.

2. If You Are Off-Site During a Fire

Actions You Should Take

  1. Stay Informed:

    • Wait for official communication from your manager or the company.

    • Do not attempt to enter the premises until you are informed it is safe to do so.

  2. Contact the operations team:

    • Notify the ops team of your whereabouts.

    • Ensure you are accounted for in case a headcount is needed.

  3. Follow Any Updates:

    • Check company channels (email, internal messaging, or emergency contact system) for instructions.

    • Be ready to assist remotely if required, such as notifying colleagues or clients of disruptions.

3. After the Fire

On-Site Employees:

  • Wait for emergency services to declare the building safe before re-entering.

  • Follow instructions from your manager about when to return to work.

Off-Site Employees:

  • Stay in contact with the operations team for updates.

  • Be prepared for possible work schedule adjustments or remote work arrangements.

  • If you are unsure about work ongoing please see this guide What to do if the Venue is closed for the week?

4. Additional Safety Information

  • Familiarise yourself with the company’s fire evacuation plan and routes.

  • Report any fire hazards (e.g., blocked exits, faulty equipment) to your manager immediately.

By following this guide, you can help ensure your safety and the safety of others during a fire emergency. Stay calm, act swiftly, and prioritizse your well-being above all else.

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